Many of the children are in the camps without parents or adult relatives. Often, parents begged and pleaded for their kids to get on a truck heading to a church, police station or camp. The adults stayed behind to guard their house and property.
Now, many are seperated and lost. The Kenyan Red Cross and UNICEF work hard to reunite these families. For children above the age of five, the success rate is often high. The children below the age of five often have problems communicating who their parents are or what part of Kenya they are from.
Advertisements in newspapers and radios are inundated with names or photos of children who are lost for the moment.
Pray these families will be reunited.
Thank God that many orphanages and churches opened their doors to these lost children - keeping them from entering the dangerous camps.
Pray for children in the internally displaced camps. Pray for their safety and that they are getting food and other essentials. Many times in the camps, the children are raped or beaten for their food.