Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thousands Move

Piled high on top of a bicycle were chairs, household goods, and pretty much anything else that could be transported.

Monday through Wednesday proved to be an unexpected moving day for hundreds of thousands who joined the ranks of the displaced. The tribe that was previously being kicked out of their homes decided to retaliate. This sent thousands packing for the displaced camps. The number of displaced are now around 600,000.

My favorite little camp is no longer "little." This is a camp that the Baptists unofficially adopted. For an entire month, we provided food, water, blankets, plastic tarps for the hundreds seeking shelter at this camp.

Then, in one night -- the camp population jumped to about 6,600. There's absolutely no room at this camp. It is on a small police station compound. It is probably the size of two lots in the States. Imagine housing almost 7,000 in that space -- not to mention, cooking area, laundry, toilets, and storage for everything that was saved from their houses.

Needless to say there's only narrow paths to walk between tents and piled up goods.

Please pray for my Kenya Red Cross Volunteer friends at this camp. They were holding up very well until the influx of people. They are young Kenyans. They are volunteering - meaning no pay -- in a camp that does not have people from their own tribes. Their families are worried about their safety, but these young volunteers (about age 20) want to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

Pray for the almost 7,000 people in this camp. Pray for their health and that there will be enough food and shelter. Pray that they will be able to return home soon.

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