Friday, November 20, 2009

Pray for me

I'm starting to work again. It's been a long road of recovery and rest from years of being a reporter. It's time to start back up and get back on the road.

I'll be doing my first story assignment in a couple of weeks. I'll be traveling to Africa for two stories: 1. female circumcision and a fight to better the lives of girls; 2. a water project that brought water to 4,000 people.

Pray for me as I get back into the flow of work. Pray that my creative juices are still somewhere inside of me. Pray for our safety.


Brian said...

Sue: I work for a place called the Groundwater Foundation and can't wait to read your story about the wells.

CS Stanley said...

this is exciting. both stories sound amazing. look forward to seeing the stories break light...