Thursday, March 22, 2007

Crazy food and transportation

Fun was the name of the game for most of the Poland trip!

I got to try a bunch of neat new foods. Polish cooking is pretty good. However, one of the weirdest things about Polish cuisine is that everything is served with Dill Pickles. For breakfast, yep – you guessed it – Dill Pickles.

One night, Rich and some of his friends from the coffee house made an old Polish favorite – Pickle Soup. Yes, it’s made with Dill Pickles. It was okay – it tasted like warmed up Dill Pickles with sour cream.

I also had a Polish Sausage. Of course, in Poland it isn’t called a “polish sausage,” it’s just called sausage!

Rich drove this really cute car. It’s a Fiat and is super small. It’s about the size of half a normal car. You should have seen Matt, Rich and I squeezed in there. One time, there were four adults riding in his car. One person just over six-feet tall is actually longer than Rich’s car.

We had a major break down enroute to the airport. It wasn't Rich's car, but a Polish friend's. A belt broke about half way there. So, Matt and I climbed out and tried to hitch a ride with anyone who would pull over. We made it to the airport (via a taxi) just in time to catch our plane.

Another great part about this trip is that Matt and I were able to hang out with the youth in Poland. We played ping-pong and helped with the BIG tournament for ping-pong and foozball. I also had a chance to share with the church about work in other areas of the world.


Anonymous said...

Are you directing cruises again?? The College & Career Retirees want to know?? Abigail wants to know where you go to ride the elephant with the girl from our picture in the kitchen?? KK

Sue said...

Hey KK

Nope - not directing cruises. But would love to direct one if you guys can ever make it to Africa!!!

The elephant riding took place in Thailand.