Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Nairobi Street Kid

I love hanging out with the street kids in Nairobi. You'd be very surprised at their sense of humor. Every time I visit with them in the mornings, they have me laughing so hard. They are especially good at doing imitations of people. I haven't convinced them to show me their imitation of me yet.

I'm posting some photos that my friend Justin, a photographer, took while going to work with the street kids. The picture of the young girl is of an American sixth-grader who lives in Nairobi. She goes with us early in the mornings to work with the street kids, too. She wakes up at 4:45 a.m. She plays with the kids and helps hand out food. The older boys on the street are all very protective of their "little American sister." We finish up with the boys around 7:30 a.m. and then this sixth-grader heads off to school.
One day I asked this sixth-grader why she did this when that meant a super long day at school twice a week. She looked at me pretty surprised and said, "I like to tell people about Jesus." Her unspoken look continued with, "DUH! Don't you like doing the samething? It's what we are supposed to do."
Guess this sixth-grader shows that no matter what your age is, the Children of God are to tell of His Great News.


ChiGirl said...

I got your email about your upcoming trip. I and my prayer partners will be praying for you!!

I love your updates!!
Mandy "formerly known as Rogers" :-)

Anonymous said...

I am praying and will share the request with others. Love you sis.
