Friday, September 28, 2007


Remember the boy I told you about a few weeks ago - Joshua? He needs for people to stand in the gap for him.
Joshua was in a catholic orphanage, then his mother took him out. His mother is addicted to drugs and alcohol. She abused him, so he ran away to Nairobi. When we met him, he begged us to get him off the streets because he was scared and wanted to go back to school.

One of our workers found a home for him. When she went back to get him, he was no longer on his street corner. The other kids told her that Joshua had been beaten badly and ran off. She later found out that he had been arrested and taken to jail.

In Kenya, children are put in with adults. This is not a good thing for a 12 or 13-year-old (we really think Joshua is younger than this age he told us).

Pray for Joshua. Pray for protection from the men, from beatings and anything else. Pray that he can be strong in his new faith and rely on God. Pray that once he is out, we can find him and get him off the streets before it is too late.

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